We design

Requirement Analysis

The stage of identifying the needs of your business, crucial to the entire undertaking. The analysis makes it possible to develop the right technical and functional specifications, design the architecture, draw up a transparent work schedule, and determine the budget and the time frame required to launch the product.

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more than 40
requirement analyses performed

Implementation Strategy

We get to know your requirements and the processes taking place in your company in detail, and analyze the technical aspects of your product. Based on the collected information, we devise a strategy to enable a seamless implementation that delivers business value from day one.

More about service
7 client projects
completed successfully thanks to strategy implementation

Product planning

Planning gives us a better insight into the target audience of your product as well as into their behaviour and needs. The activity makes it possible to specify the idea and design the final shape of the platform in a way to make it attractive to its users and support the achievement of the set business goals.

More about service
8 live platforms
which were successfully launched to the market thanks to advance planning

UX design

User Experience design is a fundamental element of web platform development. It determines the quality of users’ experience with a given service; whether they are keen on using and trusting your solution and whether they become loyal. Good UX has a very big impact on the successful achievement of your business goals.

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80% of applications,
we’ve created features a comprehensive and advanced UX design