Case study
Development of a marketing platform

Microsoft wanted to run a campaign to promote its Office 365 suite for business. The purpose of the platform, apart from showcasing the product and arousing the interest of the target audience, was to get contact details and B2B leads.
We created an interactive platform which dynamically adapted its appearance, content, and suggested products from the Office 365 suite based on the collected data about the behaviour and needs of a given user. The platform was live throughout the entire period of the promotional campaign (6 months) and yielded the expected outcome in the form of B2B leads.
We decided to go for behavioral analysis and decoding the needs of the target audience. We made use of a range of innovative solutions, including e.g. content personalization, lead generation mechanisms, and marketing automation. Adapting the appearance of sub-pages and the content to users’ personality types and objectives translated into a huge number of generated leads.