Many brands achieve great results when they speed up their platforms & websites. Its widely known that speed is essential in areas like User Experience and SEO. But what quantifiable data brands gathered around speeding up? Let’s take a look at the comprehensive list of achievements in following areas: Ad View, Bounce Rate, Conversion Rate, Cart Abandonment Rate, Page per Session, Page view, Revenue, Time on Page, Traffic, User engagement. Let’s dive right in!
Conversion Rate increase
Walmart noticed a 2% increase in conversions for every 1 second improved page loading speed

Traffic decrease
The BBC has noted that it loses 10% of its traffic for every additional 1 second of page load

Revenue decrease
Conversion Rate decrease
$ 18 trillion is lost annually due to abandoned baskets


Conversion Rate decrease
According to Akamai (2017), 1 second in page loading delay can reduce conversion by up to 7%

mPulse mobile
User engagement increase
47% of users expect the site to load in 2 seconds and less


52% of users say that the page loading speed affects their loyalty to the store

Cart Abandonment Rate increase
2 seconds of page loading delay during transactions can increase the likelihood of cart abandonment by 87%

Revenue increase
People clicking from to a BMW sales site has soared from 8% to 30%, nearly four times higher than before.

Baymard Institute
Cart Abandonment Rate increase
57% of transactions initiated end in abandoning the cart

Bounce Rate increase
User engagement
57% of users left the slow-running store and bought from the competition


User engagement decrease
79% of buyers who have experienced a page performance issue never buy on this page again

Conversion Rate increase
Accelerating the page from 8 seconds to 2 seconds can increase the conversion rate by 74%

Conversion Rate increase
Revenue increase
AliExpress reduced page loading time by 36% and recorded an increase in orders by 10.5% and increase in conversion of new users by 27%

Revenue decrease
Amazon has found that each delay of page loading by 0.1 second reduces sales by 1%

Revenue increase
AutoAnything reduced the page loading time by half, resulting in a 12-13% increase in sales


Bounce Rate increase
A 2-second page load delay can increase your bounce rate by more than 100%

Revenue increase
Page view increase
Shopzilla has accelerated the page from 6 seconds to 1.2 seconds, which resulted in a 12% increase in revenue and a 25% increase in views

Conversion Rate increase
Revenue increase
For Mobify, every 100ms decrease in homepage load speed worked out to a 1.11% increase in session-based conversion, yielding an average annual revenue increase of nearly $380,000

User engagement
58% of all mobile customers expect sites to render as quickly as their home computers.

Conversion Rate increase
Bounce Rate reduction
Page per Session increase
COOK noted a 7% increase in conversions, a 7% decrease in bounce rates and a 10% increase in pages per session by reducing page load time by 0.85 seconds

Page per Session increase
The user visits 8.9 pages of a given service if the loading speed is 2 seconds, and 3.3 pages when this speed is 8 seconds

User engagement decrease
When the page loads for more than 3 seconds, more than half (53%) of users leave it, you can spend a lot of money on the usability of the page, appearance, functionality, good content, but the slow operation of the page means that more than half of the users will not even see it.

Traffic increase has accelerated the site and has seen a 20% increase in organic traffic

Conversion Rate increase
Traffic increase
Pinterest, accelerating its platform by 40%, recorded an increase in Google traffic and a 15% increase in registration

Traffic increase
Yahoo has seen a 9% increase in traffic for every 0.4 second improvement in page load speed

Time on Page increase
On websites that load 5 seconds (compared to 19s!) Users spend 70% more time

Conversion Rate increase
Revenue increase
A 100ms decrease in checkout page load speed amounted to a 1.55% increase in session-based conversion, which in turn yielded an average annual revenue increase of nearly $530,000.

Bounce Rate reduction
Pages that load in 2 seconds have a bounce rate of 9%, and pages that load in 5 seconds have a 38% bounce rate

Financial Times
Revenue increase
If the store earns $ 100,000 per month (PLN 370,000), then improving the page loading speed by 1 second will bring an additional $ 7,000 per month (PLN 26,000).

Ad View increase
Bounce Rate reduction
Time on Page increase
Pages that load in 5 seconds instead of 19 seconds (2016 average) have 25% higher ad viewership, 70% longer sessions and 35% lower bounce rate

Bounce Rate increase
40% of consumers will leave a page that takes longer than three seconds to load.

Revenue increase
Mozilla noticed 60 million more downloads a year, only accelerating the website by 2.2 seconds