
The loading time of a service is crucial to positive user experience. The longer the user waits for the content to load, the higher the probability they will leave the website before they become familiar with the information we want to provide them with. Not to mention the conversion rate.


To make the platform run faster by reducing the sub-page loading time even to below 0.2 seconds, which translates into an increased conversion rate, a higher level of user satisfaction, and substantial amounts of saved time in the case of platform users.

We’ll help you by:

  • conducting a speed audit and indicating elements that need improvements,
  • making the necessary changes on your web platform,
  • reducing the amount of data sent to users,
  • reducing the loading time of all platform sub-pages even to below 0.2 seconds,
  • arriving at a 100/100 score in Google PageSpeed Insights.

A service designed for:

  • companies whose success depends on having a fully functional B2B or B2C platform,
  • enterprises acquiring clients through their web services,
  • companies taking advantage of their own e-commerce solutions,
  • owners of enterprises whose employees spend at least 25% of their workday using a platform or an internal web tool,
  • web service owners who see their conversion rate dropping,
  • marketing departments responsible for the online image of their companies.

Service delivery



We perform an initial speed analysis using generally available tools to determine the potential for improvement. We consider the elements that can slow the application down. We offer you numbers telling you about the benefits of having your solution accelerated.



Our developers and server administration specialists carry out a thorough platform analysis. They identify the elements that could be improved and estimate how fast your platform will run after the optimization. They compile a list of guidelines including optimization recommendations, the estimated time required to implement them, and the expected outcome.


Increase in speed

Depending on the initial arrangements made, we provide your team with a document including a set of guidelines or engage our specialists to carry out the optimization.

Webini in action and in numbers

under 0.2 seconds

is the loading time of the sub-pages of the platforms we’ve optimized


increase in the speed of a Magento-based e-commerce platform (in less than 40 working hours)

100/100 in PageSpeed Insights

is the score of most of the web applications we’ve audited and improved

Webini implementations


Speeding up the front-end of the Tpay platform

Optimizing a platform’s performance by reducing the loading time of all sub-pages from 10 seconds to 0.3 seconds.

Let’s talk about your new project